The popularity of 'Amber Queen' is clear for all to see. First and foremost, it is a very pretty flower, the colour is a pure golden amber, inspiring the name, while the shape is rounded with plenty of petals.
A delightful perfume scent comes from this flower, which mirrors an uncomplicated sweet rose smell. It is a short bushy plant that has wonderfully decorative bronze to red foliage when young, which darkens to a rich shade of green. Quick to repeat flower, this is equally perfect when displayed in beds, borders or large patio pots.
Fully deserving its coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure that this is a proven garden performer, guaranteed to be suitable for UK gardeners at every level of experience. You can therefore plant this in the garden with confidence, for stunning displays for many years to come.
A highly decorated variety, 'Amber Queen' holds major awards from Genoa, Belfast and the USA, including the 'James Mason Memorial Medal' in 1993 for the 'rose which had given the most pleasure over the last 15 years', despite the variety being a mere nine years old at that point!
Registered name: Harroony
Supplied freshly in a 3 litre pot, ready to be planted out. Please note at certain times of the year this variety may be supplied in a 4 litre pot.
We always endeavour to provide beautifully formed plants; however, our roses will naturally start to lose their leaves from October to prepare for the colder months. Do not worry though, as they will flourish once again with leaves and buds in the spring. Please, make sure you consider the season when purchasing our remarkable roses for yourself or loved ones.
Size (hxs): Upto 3ft (90cm) - 2ft (60cm)
Rose Type: Bush Rose
Flowering: Repeat Flowering
Fragrance: Medium Fragrance
Colour: Golden Amber