Perfectly white roses evoke so many feelings of delicacy and purity that they make ideal gift roses, such as the ‘Happy Birthday White’ variety. This is a delightful example of a Floribunda rose and would really catch the eye in any garden. Although the beauty is to such a level that it almost feels a shame to give it away!
A remarkable flowering frenzy can be seen spurting from the bush rose as early as May and will continue to repeatedly flower right through to the first frosts of the year. The abundant roses each feature up to 40 impressive pure white petals that really ‘pop’ as they contrast against dark green foliage.
Feed ‘Happy Birthday White’ regularly to ensure maximum floriferous reward and provide plenty of water during dry periods.
Supplied freshly in a 3 litre pot, ready to be planted out. Please note at certain times of the year this variety may be supplied in a 4 litre pot.
We always endeavour to provide beautifully formed plants; however, our roses will naturally start to lose their leaves from October to prepare for the colder months. Do not worry though, as they will flourish once again with leaves and buds in the spring. Please, make sure you consider the season when purchasing our remarkable roses for yourself or loved ones.
Size (hxs): Upto 3ft (90cm) - 2ft (60cm)
Rose Type: Bush Rose
Flowering: Repeat Flowering
Fragrance: Delicate Fragrance
Colour: White