Introduce some of the most fabulous pink roses to your garden with the playfully fun Rose 'Rosy McRose Face'. Erupting with such exceptional colour across many months of summer, with blooms that are bound to put a smile on your face.
This free-flowering shrub rose produces apricot pink flowers, with petals that darken to a reddish-purple central eye, with yellow stamens at the very centre. Plus, you can see flecks and speckles of deeper red on the outer pink petals too. The truly unique and attractive roses erupt across the warmest days of summer and into the early autumn chills.
The colour contrast stands out even more, thanks to the rich, glossy green shade of the foliage. The plant remains compact, yet bushy, for a particularly appealing floral show whether grown in patio pots, mixed borders, or flowerbeds.
What’s more, each of the blooms release a delicate, yet noticeable fragrance, which sits on even the gentlest summer breeze.
Supplied as an established plant in a 4 litre pot, ready to plant.
Size (hxs): Upto 2.6ft (75cm) - 2ft (60cm)
Rose Type: Shrub Rose
Flowering: Repeat Flowering
Fragrance: Delicate Fragrance
Colour: Pink Shades